Week 2: Research Processes

Where did cinema start?

Moving pictures came to light in the 1890’s, with the short motion pictures. Previously to that from the 1850’s-90’s, photographers had been experimenting with human motion using still photographs.

The Lumiere Brothers were pioneers in the motion picture field. Their films documented solely movement of people or objects, plot and story was yet to be added.

Hollywood started to become the home of motion pictures in the early 1900s. Although at this point, most creators in the industry were till avoiding storytelling in their films. D.W. Griffith was the first director to experiment and create a full-length feature film.

In the 1920’s actors started to carry the films. The popularity and talent of the actor became the defining feature of films. The 50’s brought along more niche and specific films. By the late 50’s television was more prominent adding a whole new set of rules to the screen industry.

5 Comedic Producers/Creators that influence me:

Lorne Michaels and the writers of Saturday Night Live

Amy Poehler: Parks and Recreation

Tina Fey: 30 Rock

Paul Feig: Bridesmaids

Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jackson: Broad City

Saturday Night Live:

Saturday Night Live uses both stage and live television to create a medium that is uniquely it’s own. It turns improvisation and television on it’s head. The improvisation becomes practiced and the television becomes more like a theatre performance. The show has had a long history, spanning from the early 70’s to the present. A lot of things from style of comedy to cameras changing from film to digital has influenced the making of Saturday Night Live. The show is able to be a lot faster than it used to because of digital cameras and other technologies.

In the video below is a ‘cold open’ between the first skit and the monologue on Saturday Night Live. It features direction, set changes, costume changes and live camera work in limited space of time.

Broad City: 

Broad City is important in comedic shows for portraying women in a way that was only ever slightly shown on television. Physical comedy is also a major player.

What Does a Film Producer do? 

A producer, depending on the budget and man power of a film/show can do anything from:

  • Employ various professionals needed e.g. accountants, directors, lawyers etc.
  • Inspire commitment
  • Raise funds, secure finance
  • Assist the writing team
  • Distribution

(The Conversation 2014)

What does a film/television writer do?

 Each major film or television show has a different process when it comes to the hierarchies of the pre-production team.

In the video below, the writing team of the television show Bates Motel explain how they navigate the creative process in the ‘The Writers Room.’



A & E 2014, Bates Motel: The Writers’ Room (Season 2) A&E, online video, 12 March, YouTube, viewed 8 March 2017, <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqtbB3Z9n34>

The Conversation 2014, Explainer: what does a film producer do?, The Conversation, viewed 8 March 2017, <http://theconversation.com/explainer-what-does-a-film-producer-do-22173>

The History of Motion Pictures, viewed 8 March 2017, <http://faculty.washington.edu/baldasty/JAN13.htm>

The Tonight 2016, Creating Saturday Night Live- Cold Open to Monologue Set Change, online video, 23 December, YouTube, viewed 8 March 2017, <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00jIG1Sq8lg>